
Don't LeetCode Yet - 6 - DIY Built-In Functions

Understand and try to build the built-in functions/methods by our selves.

Built-in Array/String Methods


“The map() method creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.”

Need some time for NOOBS to get used to the usage of CALLBACK functions.

The .map() can create a new array.

let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]

function map(arr, callback){
let outputArr = []
for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
return outputArr

function double(n){
return n*2

console.log(map(arr, double))
// output : [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

This is the same as:



REPEAT a string!

let str = "ABCDE"

function repeat(str, times){
let outputStr = ""
for (let i=0; i<times; i++){
outputStr += str
return outputStr

console.log(repeat(str, 3))

Same as:



Related to .indexOf method.

// -1
// 1
// 0 (it returns only the first found)

So the .lastIndexOf finds the element starting from the last one.

let arr = [1,2,3,1]

function lIF(arr, num){
let indexNum = -1
for (let i=arr.length-1; i>0; i--){
if(arr[i] === num){
indexNum = i
return indexNum

console.log(lIF(arr, 1))
// 3 (Returns the last one in the array.)

Same as:


Project Unit 6

LIOJ 1036 Array.reverse

function reverse(arr)
let revArr = []
for (let i = arr.length-1; i > 0; i--){
return r evArr
// [5,4,3,2,1]

LIOJ 1037 Array.filter

I accidentally used the built-in .filter method when I try to solve the problem the first time.

let newArr = orgArr.filter(findthenum)

This is actually a good practice to get familiar with the basic of how to use the callback function.

  • Main function: myFilter(arr, findTarget), no need to pass in any argument when calling the callback(findTarget in this case)
  • Function used as callback in the main function: findTarget
  • Check if callback function returns anything, if yes push it into the new array.

Some improvements:

  • return n != target is the same as if (n != target){ return n}

The instructor talked about the “arrow function” in ES6. And how to use the filter method.
An example of the usage of .filter() is arr.filter(x => x > 2).
The x => x > 2 is an arrow function.
So the findTarget() function can also be written as:
let findTarget = n => n !== target
Or we can also directly put it in the myFilter() function: function myFilter(arr, n => n !== target)

LIOJ 1038 Array.indexOf

EASY! If you can solve problem 1037. Don’t even need a callback function, can directly give the target as argument.

LIOJ 1039, 1040, 1042

Array.fill, Array.join, String.toLowerCase

[1,2,3,4].join(“/“) => “1/2/3/4”

LIOJ 1041 Array.trim

I tried to count the white space before the words and after the words. Then make a new string out of those index number.

for (i = preCounter; i < orgString.length-postCounter; i++){
newString += orgString[i]

Instructor trim the white space before the words first then trim the white space after the words. Test if we MEET a letter!

LIOJ 1043 String.endsWith

Instructor’s solution:

console.log(endsWith(lines[0], lines[1]) ? "true" : "false")

let strInd = str.length-1
let sStrInd = searchString.length-1
while (sStrInd >= 0){
strIndex --
sStrInd --

LIOJ 1044, 1045

String.padEnd, String.slice