
Learn JavaScript Properly 1-1 Introduction

Notes taken when following THIS guide.(01/24/2020 update: Some times the site doesn’t work.)

Learn some html & css.

Make a simple web site.

Read “Beginning JavaScript” chapter 1

What is javascript?

It’s a “computer programming language”. WoW!
It’s an “interpreted language” rather than a “compiled language”.
Nothing to do with “java” language.

Javascript runs in browser with interpreters witch can also be used in other “hosts”.
But need to be careful with different browsers.
Standards set by w3c
(Require some web working fondamental concepts. Like web server, http, client, ip addresse, DNS…etc)

Why learn js

  • it’s widely used and available.
  • it’s versatile(polyvalant).

JavaScript can do lots of things!

Tools needed to javascript development

  • a text editor
  • a modern browser

The scripts go to …

since major browsers use javascript as default scripting language. <script> tag (without type) is enough. However use of the type attribute is “mandatory” according to w3c standards.
But no need to add text attribute.

linking to an external js file by adding :

<script type="text/javascript" src= "the.js"></script>

advantages of linking!

  • code reuse. also easyer for maintanence.
  • make it “cacheable”!

Here comes the first program

you can put <script> where ever you want in a file. but it’s better make it inside the <head> or the <body>.
it’s also better to always specify the “type” attribute like:

<script type="text/javascript">

then finally the first page with javascript:

<body bgcolor="white">
<p>paragraph 1</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.bgcolor = "red";
  • document refers to the web page “document”.
  • bgcolor sets the background color.
  • ; is used to indicate the end of a “statement”.
  • “parsing” = gramatical analysis = read through the code and execute them.

The “parsing” of a web page:

<body bgcolor="white">
<p>paragraph 1</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
//a comment for first script block.
alert("first script block");

<p>paragraph 2</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.bgcolor = "red";
alert("second script block");
<p>paragraph 3</p>

(if it doesn’t work it might be a probleme because of copying directly from pdf. replace " by " to fix it.)

  • // is to use for comment.
  • alert() is a function (function = pieces of js code. it takes some information, processes it, and gives a result.) that “alert” or “inform” the user by displaying message box. the message to be dissplay is given in the “()” as parameter.
  • the alert() function is a modal. it means that the parsing of the page stops (brought to a halt) when alert() function is used and doesn’t restart until the user closes the box.
  • setting properties of the page: html = static (set it once, cant change it); js = dynamic(can change it all the time.)

so the use of javascript is to add some sort of intelligence or logic to the page, or to add special effects.

Hello, some “writtings” to the page

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<body >
<p id="ResultsP"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Script block 1
document.getElementById('ResultsP').innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
  • first three lines are to set the page as “xhtml”. Not that important.
  • give an “id” to the <p> tag.
  • get the element who’s id is XXX and set the content to “Hello World!”.
  • the code should be after the paragraph that you want to set.

And finally some “browser” problems!

Let your page be backward compatible? or just let it “degrade gracefully”?
(degrade gracefully = the page gives alert or still looks “OK” with older browsers.)